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Tankshal ni Masjid: YHEP 1.0 - Ideas on Sail

Zeus Pithawalla

CHC organised its first YHEP – Young heritage explorers’ program in Ahmedabad in collaboration with the Hive, on the 25th, 26th and 27th of December 2021. The three workshops were organised and designed for individuals of the age group five to twelve. Each day of the workshop had a theme, the first-day titled ‘Fort-ified’ dealt with the exploration and understanding of the Fortification Walls of Ahmedabad and its layers of defence. The second day of the workshop titled ‘Water Works’ focused on Ahmedabad's stepwells and historical water collection techniques. The third and the last workshop, 'Ideas on Sail' was held at Tankshal ni Pol Masjid, CEPT Conservation Site School and Jama Masjid. Participants were exposed to the themes of migration, trading communities of Gujarat, and its consequence on the city's architectural fabric. Through all three workshops, interactive sessions included treasure hunts, storytelling, puzzle-solving, postcard writing, and identifying motifs and other architectural features.


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